Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.
Introductions followed around the table.
Paul asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.
Jim thanked Paul for chairing the last meeting in June.
Jim asked for errors or omissions for agenda.
John moved to accept agenda, seconded by Chris E. called to question, all in favor, none opposed, so moved.
Jim asked for a motion to accept minutes of last meeting.
Mike moved, John seconded, called to question, all in favor, non-opposed, so moved.
Jim commented on his not writing the letter yet to Heb/Dfo on cuts to SEP/HCSP because he needs more time to digest all the information he has received on this subject.
Jim stated that once the letter is finished he’d send out a copy to all the members for input.
John asked for a definition of PIP.
Chris E. explained that Pip stands for Public Involvement Project, which is another term for local hatchery or salmon enhancement project.
Jim asked Chris E. if he has talked to Roger Dunlop about coded wire tags (CWT’s).
Chris discussed clipping cwt’s on Coho smolts in the Gold River watershed.
Chris has reservations because of the amount required would stress the gene pool at a time when they are already stressed.
Some discussion followed about Chinook vs Coho populations.
Paul talked about the Conuma Off Channel funding and the need to try and make 2000 k work somehow.
Chris E. talked about the same and recommended amending our proposal to fit the budget.
There was some discussion that a hydro facility similar to the one on ZZ Creek might be looked at for Leigh Creek.
Because of the nature of the watershed, mitigation would be in order for the project to proceed.
Maybe we can tie this into the Conuma Off Channel Project.
Jim asked how we should approach the removal of the Coho indicator fences on Hutchinson and Dunlop Creeks.
Chris E. responded that the fence on Hutchinson Creek is already removed and in storage for next year.
Some discussion followed on removing the sand bags from Dunlop Creek fence without introducing sediment into the system.
Jim and Kevin will go out on Friday and remove the box from the creek and look at ways to remove sand bags without too much difficulty.
Jim asked about the Siwash Creek update.
Paul responded that he will be talking to Mike Henderson and picking up the assessment tomorrow.
Jim talked about the potential grant in aid for renting the meeting room #1 at the Aquatic Centre and his conflict of interest.
One of the other execs will have to do the paper work and appear before council to request the grant.
Jim will continue to look into the Legion Auxiliary.
Paul handed out copies of the insurance policy through the Stream Keepers Federation.
Some discussion on some of the policy information followed.
Discussions on the sewage spill that occurred at the Heber/Gold confluence occurred next.
Jim commented that it wasn’t a bad one but precautions had to be taken as per proper protocol.
Ministry of Health has been on site taking water samples.
Jim updated everyone on the trees donated to us by Peninsula Streams for a small donation of $100.
These trees will be used to improve the riparian zone between the access road and Hutchinson Creek and for other projects that we deem important.
Jim talked about the possibility of partnering with Peninsula Streams next year to exchange data.
Paul gave the financial report and handed out the spreadsheet.
Jim asked for a motion to accept the financial report.
Mike moved, John seconded, called to question, all in favor, non-opposed, so moved.
Chris E. asked about the assets from the building of the fences and whom they belonged to.
Paul stated that they belong to the group who is looking after the fence, but will confirm with Steve Baillie.
Mike asked what are the criteria for public donations.
Jim commented that as a society we could receive public, provincial, federal and corporate donations.
Mike asked if we had to write a formal letter requesting donations.
Jim replied, yes in some circumstances and no in others.
It will depend upon the criteria in place by the organization donating the funds.
Paul discussed the opportunity that exists for soliciting funding through mail campaigns etc.
He also mentioned that he has a book titled “Fundraising for Social Change” that everyone is welcome to read for more direction on how to raise funds.
Some discussions followed on whether we should be partnering with Grieg Seafoods, as they haven’t been too cooperative as of late.
Paul replied that we shouldn’t burn any bridges that we might have to cross some day.
Jim talked about ours and their responsibility to mitigate any problems and an ethical responsibility to support stewardship groups related to fish and fish habitat issues.
Jim moved to adjourn at 8:00 pm.
Next meeting is September 17/02 at 7:00 pm place to be determined unless otherwise notified.