Meeting called to order at 7:13 pm.
Jim asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.
Jim asked for changes or additions to agenda.
Paul stated that he had added some changes under new business.
Kevin moved to accept agenda, seconded by John Bruce Jr.
Jim asked that everyone read over minutes for changes or additions.
John Bruce Jr. moved to accept minutes, Darrel seconded, called to question all in favor none opposed.
Jim commented that we have a lot of things on the go right now and we should focus on finishing them before we add any new projects or ideas.
Jim asked Paul about status of business cards.
Paul handed out a copy of the template for discussion.
Jim stated that it should read members or paid member somewhere on the card.
Darrel commented that the fonts are small and wondered if they could be increased in size.
Also under unfinished business Paul talked about the radio tagging program and that we are waiting for Roger to come and give us a small presentation.
Jim talked about the comments from the promoters of the Scouts Day Event and how they were very pleased with our display.
Jim thanked everyone involved and gave extra praise to John Bruce Jr. and his friend Derek for their dedication and support.
Jim asked about the Revenue Canada forms requiring a SIN number and the status of Paul’s inquiry into why they need this data.
Chris asked why they need a SIN.
Paul replied that he was informed that this is protocol and was told if no one wants to put SIN down just send in form the way it is.
Jim updated everyone on the status of the Storm Drain Marking program.
Jim will contact Kathy Parnham to set up dates.
Paul will inquire once more about a kit from Dave Davies.
Paul updated everyone on the status of the Tahsis Stream Keepers.
Chris updated everyone on the Coho indicator fences for Hutchinson and Dunlop Creeks.
Jim talked about the blue tubs that Grieg Seafood are tossing away and if there was anything that we might use them for.
Paul talked about his request to Peter Gibson that Grieg donate the tubs to the Gold River Stream Keepers in kind.
Jim asked Darrel about status of willow/grass planting on Hutchinson Creek Side Channel.
Darrel replied that he has concerns for emerging fry.
Paul will confirm timing with Dave Clough and Doug Swift and get back to Darrel.
Paul asked for everyone’s input into projects for the upcoming funding deadline for Pacific Salmon Foundation.
Floyd asked about fleece vests for new members.
Paul responded that we should focus on some restoration projects for this round and try to get funding for vests etc from the next round in the fall.
Chris said we should look at hiring a hydrologist for the Conuma River off channel project.
What about Hutchinson Creek?
Paul will try and get G.R. Rod and Gun Club to present some ideas and will contact Dave Clough for final report to follow.
Paul talked about the Photo Point monitoring workshop he attended and that it might be a good funding project for this area.
Paul and Chris talked about the fry/mark recapture project on Hutchinson Creek and they will coordinate for this April.
Chris handed out volunteer forms and waivers from DFO.
Chris mentioned that before any volunteer work can be done on DFO projects these need to be filled out and signed.
John Bruce Jr. moved that we make it a requirement to sign forms and waivers before joining the society.
Seconded by Kevin Dello.
Called to question: Paul made a friendly amendment stating that only Stream Keepers who do volunteer work for DFO are required to sign forms and waiver.
All in favor-so moved.
Paul then talked about the insurance coverage under the Stream Keepers Federation that we are eligible for as paid members.
Membership costs $15 per year and the cost of the insurance is $3 per member.
Paul handed out correspondence from Zo Anne Morten on the coverage’s.
Paul stated that this is a great opportunity to have insurance not only for members but directors also.
Paul moved that the Gold River Stream Keepers Society pay the $15 annual membership fee and the money required to insure all paid up members and directors to the Stream Keeper Federation.
Chris seconded. Called to question: Jim asked how many paid members do we have at present.
Paul didn’t bring data with him but would get back to Jim at the next meeting.
Paul will make cheque out for only paid up members/directors to date.
Paul will ask Zo Anne who will be responsible for Stream Keepers in the field and how it pertains to the insurance coverage.
All in favor-so moved.
Paul talked about creating a standard form for reporting procedures when incidents occur.
Jim will tackle this.
Paul stated that financially we have $132.99 in the account.
Paul talked about extra slippage from his budget and that he was told to spend it on ngo’s of his choice.
Paul commented that he would purchase some supplies for our group that he, Jim and Chris had discussed on the weekend.
One item is a computer that will be kept in the second room in Paul’s office, which WCVI AMB has graciously donated (the office) to us to use.
The computer has access to high speed Internet.
Paul said that anyone who wants to use the computer is welcome to come down as long as Paul is in the office.
The system will be networked with Paul’s office computer, which has access to a printer and scanner.
Paul talked about his discussions with Kathy Campbell and Mike Roth on networking with other Stream Keepers in the Campbell River area.
Jim stated that the meetings would be the third Tuesday of every month so as to give some clarity for scheduling.
Jim asked that everyone research places to meet for free as we are growing and personal homes are becoming to small.
Darrel moved to adjourn at 8:29 pm. John seconded.
Next meeting is April 16/02 at 7:00 pm place to be determined.