Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm.
Jim asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.
Jim asked for changes or additions to agenda.
Paul added two and Chris Erikson added one.
Patrick moved to accept agenda, seconded by Chris Erikson. Called to question, so moved.
Jim asked that everyone read over minutes for changes or additions.
John Bruce Jr. moved to accept minutes, Chris Erikson seconded, called to question all in favor.
Paul talked about Coho indicator fences on both Dunlop and Hutchinson Creeks.
John B. talked about walking upstream on Hutchinson and finding more trapped smolts.
Some discussion followed on the impacts of this springs lack of rain in the watershed in relation to the new side channel.
Paul talked about the reimbursement of $ for km to and from Dunlop Creek and asked for the number of trips from each member who drove their own vehicle to Dunlop to carry out work related to the fence.
Paul gave the total Coho smolt count to date as 532 for Dunlop Creek and 170 for Hutchinson Creek.
Jim commented that June 7 is the date for the Storm Drain Marking event with the school.
Jim asked if someone would volunteer to pick up hot dogs etc. for the event to be paid for by the Gold River Stream Keepers Society.
John Bruce and Chris Patrick volunteered.
Some discussion followed on managing our time so that we get as many drains painted as we can.
Paul will ask Dave Davies about a promotional video or instructive video to aid in coordinating time.
Jim will ask Carol Volk about a second class.
Paul updated everyone on the denial of funding for the Rod and Gun Club’s Hutchinson Creek Riparian Project by the Habitat Conservation and Trust Fund.
Paul also updated everyone to the upcoming Stream Keepers training dates.
Paul talked about insurance policy issues.
Some discussion followed on policy explanations.
Future proposals for the fall funding deadline of Pacific Salmon Foundation was tabled until the next meeting.
Jim updated everyone on the incident report template.
Jim stated that until further notice the meetings would be held at his place when he is in town.
We should be looking for another meeting place as after the upcoming training our group should expand.
Jim will ask the Ladies Auxiliary about using their building.
Chris Erikson talked about the fry/mark recapture and fry salvage project on Hutchinson Creek.
40 Coho smolts were captured and 3000 Coho fry were salvaged and placed into the side channel.
Chris talked about the need to develop a plan for salvaging these fry and smolts for next year or future low water events until such time as the watershed restoration plan is finished.
Chris will work with the Rod and Gun Club to establish the fry salvage plan with DFO etc.
Chris talked about other systems that could be included in this planning process.
Paul remarked that Big Bend Creek would be a candidate.
Chris talked about the criteria surrounding fry salvage operations and the importance of acquiring permits and notifications etc.
Paul discussed the Stream Keepers assessing Big Bend and Dunlop Creeks this summer.
Floyd stated that he has concerns over Coho fry trying to migrate upstream of the fence from Muchalaht Lake.
Some discussion followed as to whether this is taking place and if so what could be done about it.
Jim talked about the new owner of the Peppercorn Motel and his plans.
He went on to say that the owner is interested in providing funding to our group to coordinate an assessment of Siwash (Delorial) Creek, which runs parallel to his property.
Paul gave the financial report.
John Bruce moved to accept the financial report.
Chris Erikson seconded. Called to question all in favour.
Patrick moved to adjourn at 8:13 pm.
Next meeting is June 18/02 at 7:00 pm place to be determined.