



Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.

Introductions followed around the table.

Paul asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.

Jim asked for errors or omissions from the agenda, hearing none Jim asked for a motion to accept the agenda.

Darrel moved, Chris seconded, called to question all in favor none opposed.

Jim asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.

Jim asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Floyd moved, Jim seconded, called to question.

Chris stated that the indicator fence on Hutchinson Creek hasn’t been completely removed yet just the fence, the framework is still in place.

All in favor none opposed so moved.

Jim asked for business arising from minutes.

Floyd asked why the fence framework is still in Hutchinson Creek.

Chris commented that some discussion took place on whether it could be used to count adults escaping to the creek.

Paul had some concerns over the possibility of the frame creating a logjam once the rains come.

Chris will bring this up at the next Rod and Gun Club meeting.

Jim asked about the status of Steve Baillie’s confirmation as to the ownership of fence assets.

Paul commented that Steve confirmed the assets should be divided equally between the two groups.

Paul also commented that this is the way it was set up originally.

Next spring the Rod and Gun Club will be taking over administration of the Hutchinson Creek fence as per the original plan.

Paul stated that we now have the Delorial (Siwash) Creek assessments in our possession.

Jim said he knows an interested partner who would donate funds to our cause.

Some discussion followed on taking out the remaining framework from Dunlop Creek.

Paul handed out the reimbursements to everyone for travel mileage to Dunlop Creek.

Paul also talked about his conversation with the Pacific Salmon Foundation concerning amending the previous proposal for the Conuma Off Channel Project and their disapproval of the amendment.

Paul stated he then contacted Bruce Walsh of Northwest Hydraulics to see if they could somehow cut the amount required for the hydrology assessment to reflect the funding approved.

Paul was informed that they would work with us to stay within the funding amount.

Jim apologized for the letter on HCSP/SEP cuts being so late.

His computer is causing all sorts of problems but will send out a copy to all directors shortly.

Chris commented that even though Coho egg targets have been reinstated, there are still cuts coming down the pipe that will affect other issues.

Jim made the comment that anyone who can volunteer his or her time should.

Chris commented that he hasn’t heard anymore from BC Hydro on Leigh Creek.

Jim stated that he has received cards from the proponents but decisions haven’t been made yet because of the fish issues and they might not go forward with this site.

Status of the grant in aid from council for meeting room at the aquatic center was tabled because Mike Thurber, who volunteered to proceed with this, was absent.

Action items were discussed next.

Under new business Jim talked briefly on potential funding sources and asked everyone to bring at least three different funding source ideas to the next meeting.

Next up was discussion around the riparian planting for Hutchinson Creek and possibly Dunlop Creek.

Jim welcomed Jane Bogie to her first meeting with us.

Some discussion followed on how to recruit new members and collect annual dues.

This will be discussed further at other meetings in the future.

Paul talked about salmon enumeration this fall once again and identified Dunlop Creek and Siwash as two systems we should also be looking at.

Chris will remind Rod and Gun members that Darrel could use some volunteers to aid him on Hutchinson Creek.

Some discussion took place on the two sites being looked at for two separate mill proposals in our community.

The site at Hutchinson Creek was controversial, but not confirmed yet.

The property would have to be rezoned and all assessments and permits would have to be completed.

In total, 13 acres are being looked at between the old trailer park and the watershed.

We have to remain positive and work with future entities to ensure that everyone wins in our community including the fish.

The other site at the old Tayco Pit has been approved and equipment is being moved in as we speak.

Paul commented that we should be monitoring the creek behind the pit more often once the mill is up and running.

Jim asked if there was any other new business and hearing none asked Paul for the financial report.

Paul reported that we have a balance of $1,366.06 in our account and should be getting another $2,000.00 from the Pacific Salmon Foundation shortly for the Conuma Off Channel Project.

We received a cheque from DFO for $1,690.65 in August.

Cheques written since July include: $150 for travel time to Floyd Naswell, $4.51 to Gold River Building Supplies, $5.00 to TD Bank, and $1,000.00 to the Gold River Rod and Gun Club for their participation in the indicator fence project on Hutchinson Creek.

Jim asked for a motion to accept the financial report.

Chris moved, Floyd seconded, called to question all in favor, none opposed, so moved.

Floyd moved to adjourn at 8:10 pm.

Next meeting is October 15/02 at 7:00 pm place to be determined unless otherwise notified.