



Meeting called to order at 7:07 pm.

Paul asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.

Introductions followed.

Jim sends his apologies for not being able to attend tonight’s meeting.

Paul asked for changes or additions to agenda.

Floyd moved to accept agenda, seconded by Patrick.

Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Paul asked that everyone read over minutes for changes or additions.

Darrel moved to accept minutes, John seconded, called to question, Patrick commented that he was not at the last meeting so his name shouldn’t be in the attendance list.

Jane stated that she was at the last meeting and that her name should be in the list.

There is a spelling error in the sentence “probably wouldn’t have much time to dedicate to administration” all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Paul commented that he hasn’t had the time to address the action items from the last meeting because of his own business issues, but he will attempt to rectify them for the next meeting.

These include: Dunlop Riparian Assessment, FOC’s comments on Radar’s boat, and the status of the donation from the Aquatic Management Society.

Darrel stated that he heard that Radar’s boat is a float once again.

Paul mentioned that Jim stated he would contact the Aquatic Management Society.

Paul updated everyone on the web site changes and new server.

Once again the web site is up and running and all email addresses are functional.

Paul would like all members to contact him with new passwords for their addresses.

Paul stated that he created a calendar for the Dunlop Creek fence-monitoring program and that Chris and Jim have copies.

Chris is in charge of scheduling so anyone who is interested in counting fish for a day contact Chris.

Jane and Patrick commented that last Sunday they counted over 1400 Coho fry and there was a huge school of fry waiting above the fence.

The update on the sea lice program was tabled until next meeting when Chris can attend.

Paul talked about the correspondence from Grieg Seafood’s regarding their donation of $300 to keep the office open.

There was correspondence from the Regional District on the same issue for the same amount.

This is great and thanks should be sent to all donators and especially to Jim for his hard work in securing these funds.

Next was correspondence from the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation on their annual report.

Paul passed around the insurance policy statement for all to review.

Jim’s letter on the Ocean’s Day event on June 6/03 was next and Paul stated he would talk more about it under new business.

Under new business Paul talked about the Ocean’s Day event and that we will need volunteers to help supervise the students.

John Bruce stated he would be there.

John went on to say that students are talking a lot about the presentations and are expressing interest in joining our society.

Paul replied that he would try and contact Dave Clough to determine when a course can be set up.

All volunteers for the Ocean’s Day event will be required to undergo a criminal record check as a standard measure when dealing with students.

Craig Anderson has volunteered to drive the bus.

Dave Davies from Fisheries and Oceans will be there also.

The purpose of the trip is to expose students in a real environment to the ecosystems aquatic and marine life and processes in a small watershed.

It is a chance for the students to understand the information presented in the first three classes through hands on interaction.

Paul stated that Jim made a request for us to donate $80 towards buying lunch for this.

Floyd moved, John seconded, called to question, Floyd asked if transportation will be provided for the volunteers.  Paul replied that they could probably ride the bus, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Paul talked about Jim’s request to identify a project to take advantage of funding that has become available from the Nootka Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC) through the Forest Investment Account.

We need to put a proposal together by the end of next week.

The amount available ranges from 7-12 k.

John mentioned looking at an assessment for Kleeptee Creek.

Paul commented that Big Bend Creek would also be an option.

Darrel talked about the creek flowing from Antler Lake.

Some discussions followed around the Dunlop Creek Riparian assessment also.

Paul asked everyone to look over the financial statement.

Darrel moved to accept the financial statement, Jane seconded, called to question, Paul explained the reason for the high phone bill and stated that he has cancelled the separate fax number which will save us $50 + taxes.

We can use our existing number to send faxes.

Unfortunately we cannot get away from being charged at a business rate.

In the future the phone bill should not be more than $70 per month.

Floyd asked about the two cheques made out to the Village of Gold River for the same amount.

Paul explained that they were payment for the previous meetings held at the aquatic centre.

Paul commented that there are outstanding bills to paid from Irly Bird, Conuma Cable, and the last meeting room rental, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Under open discussion, Patrick commented that the company that felled the trees for the right of way for the new hydro line from ZZ Creek alongside of the lake road did not clean up their mess very well as he has observed bows and branches plugging up culverts and finding their way into the lower sections of the creeks.

Darrel commented that we should organize an annual bbq this summer some time.

Everyone agreed and Darrel will look into this a little more.

Action Items:

Paul will finish previous action items, Paul will contact Chris to provide an update on the sea lice program for the next meeting, Paul will contact all directors by phone for input into NSEDC funding, Paul will inform Doug Swift of hydro right of way mess, Paul will look at itemizing the financial statements more clearly, Darrel will look into the bbq.

Floyd moved to adjourn at 8:20 pm.

Next meeting is June 17/03 at 7:00 pm.