Meeting called to order at 7:25 pm.
Jim asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol. Introductions followed.
Paul apologised for being late.
Jim asked for additions to the agenda, Paul stated that he had one under new business regarding letters of support for the NCN/WCVI Aquatic Management Board.
Jim asked for a motion to accept the agenda. Stewart Adams moved and Chris Erikson seconded.
Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.
Jim asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.
Paul Smith moved to accept the previous minutes, Chris Erikson seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.
Under unfinished business, Jim stated that he has been unable to get a hold of Patrick Watson regarding the FDP with Western, but he will keep trying.
Jim updated everyone on the riparian project at Big Bend Creek.
Only 50-60 plants left to put in the ground and he hopes that at the next directors meeting we can get them all in.
Chris Erikson talked about not being able to do anything with the fry/smolt migration project for the Gold River until sometime in March when DFO has a better idea of their funding opportunities.
He went on to say that it might not happen until next spring without the funding in place.
DFO hasn’t even started to create a management plan to detail the project yet; therefore no one has any idea of the costs involved.
Paul updated everyone on the Internet service change from high speed to telephone access.
We now only have 15 hours per month.
Jim stated that he is three weeks behind in his funding plan, but that he has had inquiries from potential donors wondering when he will be seeking money.
He will have more time shortly and is confident that it will come together.
Because Kevin Dello isn’t in attendance the storing of our equipment will be tabled until the next meeting.
Paul commented that after rolling up the change from the jars, we received a total of $97.
Paul stated that no one has paid his or her membership dues yet and we could sure use the money.
Under correspondence was an email from Dave Clough regarding the funding of some in-stream/culvert work at Big Bend Creek from BC Hydro.
Paul moved to send Dave a letter of thanks for all his hard work and contributions to our society.
Stewart Adams seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.
Also under correspondence was the letter from Steve Baillie (DFO) accepting our Coho Indicator Fence Project again for 2004.
He also sent the project review of all the fences on Vancouver Island with the numbers collected.
Under new business, the inventory control plans will be tabled until Kevin Dello is in attendance.
Paul talked about the need to have a funding coordinator position on a regular basis as he just doesn’t have the time anymore to do this.
Jim commented that he would work with two or three directors to deal with this.
Paul stated that there are over 40 different FsRBC proposals on file for reference if needed.
Paul apologised for not applying to the PSF or Evergreen for funding.
Jim discussed the request from the NCN/WCVI Aquatic Management Board for letters of support.
He typed these letters and needs a motion to from the members to send them.
Paul pointed out some type os and omissions.
Paul Smith moved to write the letters of support on behalf of the NCN/WCVI Aquatic Management Board.
Jeremy Jack seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.
Paul gave the financial report and asked everyone to look it over.
Stewart Adams moved to accept the financial report.
Chris Erikson seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.
Action items:
- Paul will break down the monthly costs for the next meeting.
- Jim will try and contact Patrick Watson to discuss the FDP for upper Hutchinson Creek.
- Jim and Darcy Clair will try and sell the rest of the donated furniture.
- Paul will ask the Nootka Sound River Stewards for a donation to help cover some administration costs.
- Paul will ask Steve Baillie to add the Gold River Rod and Gun Clubs name as our partner in the Dunlop Creek Coho Indicator Fence Project.
Under open discussion, Jim talked about the furniture that is left for sale.
Jim also talked about the need for including administration costs into any future funding proposals, as we cannot afford to do this for free any longer.
Everyone agreed.
Paul Smith moved to adjourn at 8:57 pm.
Next meeting is March 16/04 at 7:00 pm in meeting room number 1 at the aquatic center.