



Meeting called to order at 7:14 pm.

Paul asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.

Introductions followed.

Paul asked for additions to the agenda.

There were three: Salmon enumeration, Elk River Riparian Project and Capital Expense donation in kind from the Gold River Futures Society.

Paul asked for a motion to accept the agenda.

Stewart Adams moved and Jane Bogie seconded.

Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Paul asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.

Darrel Glass moved to accept the previous minutes, Patrick Watson seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Paul talked about the Elk River Riparian project meeting at Lady Falls to go over the project details.

He commented that they were given satellite photos showing the various stages of aggradations in the river in relation to the logging practices of the past.

We have copies of the photos on file if anyone wants to view.

Paul also talked about learning more about planting willow stakes and the correct size we should be using.

The project will be using an excavator to dig down in the gravel bars where we plant the willow stakes deep enough to allow rooting even in drought conditions similar to the past three years.

Paul will be coordinating the high school to volunteer with some of the planting in late September.

Jim updated everyone on the WFP meeting with he and Patrick and commented that they just haven’t been able to get together for this because of workload conflicts.

Jim commented that he would like to appoint Patrick a director to deal with these issues in the future, as he is the most experienced in agriforestry.

Jim also stated that he hasn’t had the time to talk to Pat Dennison about printing in kind.

Letters on asking for funding for administration costs are ready and should be mailed out next Thursday.

Update on storing our equipment was tabled again as Kevin has family commitments and couldn’t attend tonight’s meeting.

Paul reminded everyone that only two people to date have paid their membership dues and could everyone please bring their payment to the next meeting in September.

Jim discussed deducting the membership dues from the money owed for mileage to and from the Dunlop Creek Coho Indicator Fence if no one pays.

Chris isn’t here to update everyone on the fence so we will table until next meeting.

Jim commented that the center of the fence has been removed because of low water and to allow the Trout passage upstream.

Jim updated everyone one the progress of Big Bend Creek and the FIA funding.

He stated that the FIA application has been approved and we are waiting for final confirmation.

The plan is that MOT will fund the set of Newbury Rock Weirs below the culvert to raise the water level, which should enable fish passage to the upper sections of the creek.

Jim has verbal commitments from Gold River Crane to place large woody debris above the culvert.

Domenico has assured Jim that WFP will supply the wood and sundries for the project.

The total project will be worth 30k this year.

Paul updated everyone on the letters of thanks and asked for errors or omissions.

Paul also talked about the problems with email programs that our members are using i.e.: Yahoo, Msn, and Hotmail etc.

We now have new email addresses and a simple way to check them online at https://webmail.grstreamkeepers.com.

See Paul for your new address and password.

Jim talked about the storm drain marking exercise and asked Darrel to take this on and report back to the members.

Jim discussed setting up a shorekeepers date if everything works out.

The problem is the lowest tides coincide with the fishing season and getting volunteers is tough.

It is imperative to honour our commitment to DFO to monitor the beach for three years and we’ve only been able to provide two years of data.

Paul updated everyone on the salmon enumeration project and stated that there will be a workshop/meeting in late June to iron out the details.

Paul hopes that he can get enough volunteers to pull this off, but if it doesn’t happen this year then perhaps the next.

Jim talked about receiving funding from the Gold River Futures Society to purchase a capital expense item and asked for ideas on what we can use.

The funding will be in the range of 250-300 dollars.

Under correspondence Paul discussed the emails received.

There was no new business.

Paul gave the financial report and asked everyone to look it over.

Darrel Glass moved to accept the financial report.  Jane Bogie seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Action items:

  1. Darrel Glass will contact Dave Davies to coordinate the storm drain marking project.
  2. Paul Smith will pick up the kit from Dave Davies.
  3. Jim Mitchell will talk to WFP about printing expenses.
  4. Jim Mitchell will contact Dave Davies to coordinate the shore keeper’s assessment.

Stewart Adams moved to adjourn at 8:28 pm.

Next meeting is September 21/04 at 7:00 pm in meeting room number 1 at the aquatic center.