



Meeting called to order at 7:09 pm.

Paul commented that Jim will be late and Paul will chair the meeting.

Paul asked that everyone sign the attendance sheet for administration protocol.

Introductions followed.

Paul asked for additions to the agenda.

Paul asked for a motion to accept the agenda.

Darrel Glass moved and Dustin McLean seconded.  Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Paul asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.

Chris Erikson commented that the acronym for the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection (MOWLAP) is spelled wrong.

Dustin McLean moved to accept the previous minutes, Darrel Glass seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Dustin McLean updated everyone on the flea market put on by the GR Scouts.

The furniture that we donated was greatly appreciated and the stuff that didn’t sell was taken to the free store.

Jim Mitchell was not in attendance yet so the WFP discussion was tabled.

Paul Smith apologised for forgetting to send out a letter of thanks to Conuma Excavating for their generous donations in kind on the Big Bend Creek Riparian Project.

Jim Mitchell arrived at this time and apologised for his tardiness.

Jim went on to say that he is working with Dave Clough and Sean Wong on the next phase of the Big Bend Creek Project.

Under correspondence was an email from Dave Clough updating the status of the next phase of work on Big Bend Creek.

Paul Smith mentioned that he didn’t see any reference to placing baffles in the culvert and hoped this hasn’t been overlooked.

Chris replied that shouldn’t be overlooked and maybe we should mention it to Dave and Sean.

Some discussion followed on who would get the machine work and truck hauling work.  Paul Smith stated that will all be decided when the final budget is drawn up and he guarantees it will be a local contractor.

Also under correspondence was the email from Jamie James stating that the Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation will donate $500 towards the Dunlop Creek Coho Indicator Fence.

Jim Mitchell asked that we send a letter of thanks and that this is exciting to have such an influential partner with the streamkeepers.

Under new business, Paul Smith talked about the problems he’s been having sending out email attachments (minutes, agendas etc.) to those members who have free email accounts with hosts like aol.com, hotmail.com, etc.

Because of all the email virus’ most free hosts have placed a size limit for email to try and curb this.

He has now changed over the web host from Ipowerweb to Dreamhost.

This is a donation in kind from Paul as he has a large account with them for his online businesses and it doesn’t cost him any extra to add another domain to his account.

He has set up email accounts for all members and will mail out the information to everyone.

You can check your email online now at https://webmail.grstreamkeepers.com.

For anyone who is interested in receiving a streamkeepers email address contact Paul and he will set you up.

After the next meeting all correspondence will be sent to the streamkeeper addresses unless otherwise requested.

Jim Mitchell talked about some funding being available for a capital purchase from the GR Futures Society and wants some ideas from the members on what we need.

Paul gave the financial report and asked everyone to look it over.

Question was raised on the high cost of office supplies.

Paul stated that it isn’t cheap to buy ink for the printer and we print out all of the administration documents/correspondence for both streamkeepers and the watershed society.

Jim Mitchell offered the use of his b&w laser printer as long as we purchased the toner.

The toner will last for 5000 pages.

Jim also commented that we might be able to convince WFP to print out the watershed society correspondence as a donation in kind.

Dustin McLean moved to accept the financial report.  Darrel Glass seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Action items:

  1. Paul Smith will type up two letters of thanks to Conuma Excavating and Mowachaht/Muchalaht.
  2. Paul Smith will send out new email address information to members.
  3. Jim Mitchell will talk to WFP about printing expenses.

Under open discussion, Jim talked about the Gold River Hatchery and the new issues that have surfaced regarding the licensed tenure to operate it.

He commented that DFO has given the license to the Gold River Chinook Project again even after the community expressed an interest in putting forward a proposal to run it.

All the discussions were done behind closed doors and DFO didn’t use the public process that they hired our stewardship coordinator to create over the last 4 years.

Frankly, he is very disappointed in DFO and will work diligently to ensure that the public consultation process is used appropriately.

There was discussion on whether we and tourists will have open access to the hatchery like at Conuma or will we have to make a phone call to tour the site.

Paul commented that we would most likely have to make the phone call, as the hatchery isn’t a public venture anymore, it is a private enterprise now.

Everyone is concerned that all of our volunteer efforts the last three years on the Gold will be for not.

Paul stated that it would be in the Gold River Chinook Projects best interest to work with us, as they will benefit from our help.

Jim stated that the field trip planned with the high school has been cancelled because the school forgot to set up transportation.

Paul talked about his discussions with Kent Simpson and Seton Taylor on salmon enumeration for some local streams further out in the inlets (boat access only).

He commented that DFO science branch has had their budget cut in half and anything we can do to help will benefit us in the long run.

If anyone is interested in taking the training (hopefully in June) and working with others to walk the systems chosen to enumerate salmon should contact Paul.

Some discussion followed on the stupidity of Ottawa in dealing with Pacific Salmon issues.

Paul also talked about receiving word that the Elk River Riparian Project received funding and that there will be a meeting at Lady Falls parking lot on June 8/04 at 1:30 pm to discuss the next steps.

We will be asked to help in the volunteer planting etc.

Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend.

Dustin McLean moved to adjourn at 8:10 pm.

Next meeting is June 15/04 at 7:00 pm in meeting room number 1 at the aquatic center.