



Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm.

Jim thanked everyone for attending.

Jim asked for everyone to sign the attendance sheet.

Jim asked for additions or changes to the agenda.

Patrick moved to accept agenda, Ken seconded, called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Jim asked everyone to read over the previous minutes.

Motion to accept minutes by Ken; seconded by Patrick, called to question, all in favour, none opposed so moved.

Jim read correspondence from the previous meeting.

Some discussion on items- meeting room

– Jack Christensen Centre for GRSK etc.

Logo has to be forwarded to all members.

Bring a Buddy Program for the G.R. Scouts

– Ongoing.

The new stream keeper kit supplies were received from Dynamic Aqua.

Jim talked about the correspondence from Dave Davies on the Gold River/Burman River Enhancement

– Doubled amount of eggs allowed to take

– More easier access areas for collecting samples.

Letter from Bryan Allen via Dave Davies regarding BC Student Job Position

– Paid job (summer) mid June.

Email from John Olsen via Dave Davies about a new product on the market called the Fish Log.

-Decompose faster

– Available in 3 mos.

– Same idea as Big Bend Creek

-Ask Dave Davies to purchase for GRSK.

Other correspondence included: Pacific Salmon

– Update info.

Portland Conference

– Discussion only.

Globe and Mail

– Policy and decision makers in Government want to support small organizations like GRSK.

Roger Dunlop needs a letter of support for his request for funding for Burman River radio tags.

Motion on the floor by Jane to write letter of support, seconded by Patrick. Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

PSF Questionnaire

-Discussion Only

Collapse of the Sockeye in the Fraser River.

Qualicum Beach AGM

– Discussion by GRSK

Stream Keepers supplies letter only for equipment received.

Email from Dave Davies requesting late run Coho info from Hutchinson Creek in December (Jane will do).

C-Hab Roundtable


-What’s working?

-What is not?

Cap Troughs for sale

-See if Rod and Gun is interested in purchasing

Hatchery email will be sent to members

Anne Martin ( Conuma Coho) Jim will respond with info.

G.R. Chinook Enhancement

-Emailed to members

Email from new fish minister

Cut backs, DFO

-Discussion and Jim to respond

West Coast Aquatic Management

-Looking for people (contact Jim)

-After June

Under new business, Jim talked about putting in the Dunlop Creek Indicator fence.

Jim will call Steve Baillie to confirm funding etc.

Patrick will inventory what we have left and what we need to build fence.

Jim talked about the stewardship education classes:

– Power Point Class

– Dissection class March 31/06

– First Nation fish food cutting

– Criminal record checks required for road trips and classes etc.

– Field trip to Cougar Creek

– Lunch for field trip will be provided by the Ladies Legion Auxiliary

Jane moved to write a letter of thanks to the Ladies Legion Auxiliary. Seconded by Chelsey.

Ken moved to write a letter of thanks to Dave Davies. Seconded by Jane. Called to question, all in favour, none opposed, so moved.

Transition to leadership

– Jim discussed

– Members are dwindling

– Discussion on numerous projects that GRSK has done

– Looking for full quorum

– New members

– New ideas

– Jim will resign as president on June 1/06

There were no reports.

Action Items:  Call these people:

– Gary Foster
– Dick Dennison
– Steve Baillie
– Pat Dennison (Feed Gold River Chinook)

Under open discussion:
– Ken Smith will attend the PFRCC meetings in Campbell River and report back to GRSK.

– Questions on Elk River, everything is working with positive results.

Motion to adjourn at 9:30 pm by Jane.

Next meeting is April 19, 2006 at 7:00 pm at Jim Mitchell’s place of residence.