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| StreamkeepersThis is where all the photos/files are kept for the streamkeepers society. |
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| User galleriesThis category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users. |
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42 files in 6 albums and 2 categories with 0 comments viewed 30,157 times |
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Dunlop Creek Indicator Fence Field Trip706 viewsPaul Smith giving a demonstration on how to collect length/weights for Coho smolts from Dunlop Creek.


Upper Conuma River Coho Transplant1529 viewsVolunteers helping the Conuma Hatchery to transplant adult Coho salmon into the upper reaches of the Conuma River.





Dunlop Creek Indicator Fence Field Trip771 viewsPaul Smith showing a Ray Watkins elementary student how to release a Coho smolt back into Dunlop Creek.
Last additions |

Lamprey Eel101 viewsPhoto of a full length lamprey eel captured from the Dunlop Creek Coho Fence and after being placed in an anesthesia solution it was placed on the measurement tool for recording before releasing back into the creek.Dec 31, 2021

Lamprey Eel97 viewsPhoto of a lamprey eel's head and sucker like mouth.Dec 31, 2021

Lamprey Eel107 viewsPhoto of a lamprey eel captured in the Coho Fence on Dunlop Creek and placed in an anesthesia solution before taking measurements and recording the data.Dec 31, 2021

Just a test83 viewsjust testing the upload feature for membersDec 31, 2021

849 viewsAug 28, 2010

756 viewsAug 28, 2010

756 viewsAug 28, 2010

774 viewsAug 28, 2010