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Top rated - Fish ID
Cutthroat Trout934 viewsThis big Cutthroat Trout was caught in the Dunlop Creek Coho Indicator Fence. A lenght/weight assessment was completed and the fish was released back into the creek.11111
(5 votes)
Cutty899 viewsThis is a Cutthroat Trout in the anestetic tank before a length/weight assessment. 11111
(6 votes)
Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout Smolts1310 viewsThis is a comparison of a Cutthroat and Rainbow Trout in the smolt stage. Can you tell the difference?11111
(4 votes)
Coho Smolt1039 viewsHere is a Coho smolt from Dunlop Creek. 11111
(3 votes)
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